[BerkeleyDailyPlanet] It's a Start

Updates from the Berkeley Daily Planet berkeleydailyplanet at lists.sonic.net
Fri Sep 4 14:44:22 PDT 2015

Dear Subscriber,

Okay, no editorial yet.  It's a holiday weekend, isn't it?  But just for a
change, I thought you might like to see what's up so far.

There will probably be more later, but good things here:

Israel and the Iran Deal: Who has the Power?
Graham* *09-02-2015*

Iran Epilogue
Singh* *09-04-2015*

Uberoi * *09-04-2015*

Fifteen Berkeley Homes Without Water This Morning
Rachel Matsuoka (BCN)* *09-04-2015*

Weekend Bart Closure: Transit Agencies Provide Transbay Service
Burbank (BCN)* *09-04-2015*

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: "Crisis" Often Merely A Perception
Bragen* *09-04-2015*

SENIOR POWER: Amend the Constitution?
Rippier Wheeler, pen136 at dslextreme.com <pen136 at dslextreme.com>* *09-04-2015*

New Esterházy Quartet Plays Beethoven’s 14th String Quartet & Grosse Fugue
by James Roy MacBean* *09-04-2015*

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine: Landmark California. Opens September 4
by Gar Smith* *09-04-2015*
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