[BerkeleyDailyPlanet] Are you a bot? and more...

Updates from the Berkeley Daily Planet berkeleydailyplanet at lists.sonic.net
Sat Sep 3 15:00:54 PDT 2016

Hello, subscribers.  According to our records we have about a thousand
people at any given time who have asked me to email these free Updates to
them when a number of interesting new articles have been posted.  Sometimes
I wonder if anyone's actually reading this emails--I don't want to be a
pest, and some addresses could even be bots.

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Here's the latest--same editorial because it was so late being posted last

Use of publicly­ owned land by car dealerships in the C-­SA District:
An Open Letter to Berkeley City Officials
South Berkeley Residents* *09-02-2016*

Why the PSR/Mather Holy Hill project is bad for Berkeley
Thompson* *09-02-2016*

Politicians deliver talk, not action
Khanna* *09-02-2016*

The minimum wage victory -- a path to better times
Brill* *09-02-2016*

Is this how democracy ends?
Joffe* *09-02-2016*

Stop Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
Singh* *09-02-2016*

September 11
Uberoi* *09-02-2016*

Apologies in Order
Mann, Greensboro, NC * *09-03-2016*

September Pepper Spray Times
Grace Underpressure* *09-02-2016*

Palo Alto and the tech shop of horrors
Bronstein* *09-03-2016*

Legislature passes contractor oversight responding to Berkeley balcony
Shuttleworth (BCN)* *09-02-2016*
THE PUBLIC EYE: False Equivalence: Trump=Clinton, Godzilla=Bambi
Burnett* *09-02-2016*

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE: Turkey’s Coup: Winners & Losers
Hallinan* *09-02-2016*

ECLECTIC RANT: Kudos to Colin Kaepernick
E. Stone* *09-02-2016*

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Cholesterol Meds in Combination with Psychiatric
Medications; Is There a Risk?
Bragen* *09-02-2016*
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