[BerkeleyDailyPlanet] Here now, at last

Updates from the Berkeley Daily Planet berkeleydailyplanet at lists.sonic.net
Sun Feb 12 00:13:38 PST 2017

Dear Subscribers,

>From time to time people ask what it means to be a subscriber to the
Berkeley Daily Planet.  Some also ask how much it costs.
Well, answering the second question first, it's free. Second, all it is is
list of links to current articles.  I try to send these out on Fridays, the
day a "new issue" is started, but often I don't, like this week.  Sometimes
we get a lot of new pieces between issues, and if so I might try to send
you another letter mid-week.  Sometimes I include last week's stories with
the new issue list, if there are a lot of them or they seem important to me
at the time, but to make sure you don't miss anything you should really go
to berkeleydailyplanet.com, and click on "previous issue" if you haven't
been checking daily. Those in the know are aware that when I start posting
in a new issue you can click on "next issue" and watch my progress if
you're impatient.

I hope this is all perfectly clear, or at least relatively clear.

Bob Burnett is taking the week off.  He says it's "outrage fatigue", a
phrase that resonated so much that I swiped it for my editorial.




Keep your eye on the tail of the fish in Berkeley

Once bitten, twice cautious:
Berkeley Bowl and Honda
Kitchel* *02-10-2017*

In Los Angeles they're hoping to drive developers out of the back room--can
Berkeley do it here?
Denney * *02-10-2017*

UC Berkeley: Provide Housing Not Illusions
Brill, UC Alumnus* *02-10-2017*

A divine deal: Berkeley student co-op can bring affordable living and
preserve PSR’s historic mission on Holy Hill
Alumni/Alumnae* *02-10-2017*

Huddled Masses
Singh* *02-10-2017*

Rescuing animals Is not a crime- hurting them Is
Johnson* *02-10-2017*

Trouble at the top
Khanna* *02-10-2017*

Two found dead this morning in Berkeley apartment
Keith Burbank (BCN)* *02-11-2017*

Berkeley Police say several robberies in last few days may be related
Kiley Russell (BCN)* *02-10-2017*

Falling tree crushes four cars, pulls down power lines
Keith Burbank (BCN)* *02-10-2017*

SQUEAKY WHEEL: Berkeley Commissions Get to Work
Mester* *02-10-2017*

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Taking care of ourselves amidst challenging times - and
my take on events
Bragen* *02-10-2017*

FILM REVIEW:I am not your Negro
Berke* *02-11-2017*
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