[HECnet] PDP-11 other thoughts

Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 23:16:29 PDT 2012

I went back to that same Wikipedia page, cf.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-11 and making my way further down and
after the PDT-11 family I found that crowd:

SBC 11/21 (boardname KXT11) Falcon and Falcon Plus     single board
computer on a Qbus card implementing the basic PDP-11 instruction set,
based on T11 chipset containing 32 KB static RAM, two ROM sockets,
three serial lines, 20 bit parallel I/O, three interval timers and a
two-channel DMA controller. Up to 14 Falcons could be placed into one
Qbus system.
KXJ11     QBUS card (M7616) with PDP-11 based peripheral processor and
DMA controller. Based on a J11 CPU equipped with 512 kB RAM, 64 kB ROM
and parallel and serial interfaces.

What I am thinking of is taking one of each and putting them into a
card cage. Of course the other issue that's, ah, fuzzy at best, is
finding them. The page also shows individual processors, the F-11 or
the J-11 ones.

Again group I am only thinking here. The incredibly big problem is
still the obvious, that of finding them, and then a card cage. And no
I've not even got a basket of clews here to explain where I am going
with this one.
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

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