[HECnet] New addition to Cisco mesh

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Tue Jul 2 10:56:03 PDT 2013

On Mon, 2 Jul 2013, Cory Smelosky wrote:

Ahhhhhhh.   Yeah.   I don't like to give up on a task.   I once spent a year
off-and-on trying to get a site-to-site VPN to work properly.   I eventually switched software
and re-did the config and got it working.

We DID try vendor support though (we tried every other option).   That
failed as the vendor support misunderstood our question.   I eventually
gave up and tried a different vendor-agnostic approach. ;)

I also doubt the Suits would hire someone that solves dependency hell on /AIX/ with this: http://gewt.net/installdeps.sh.txt

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects

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