No subject

Tue Mar 31 11:32:25 PDT 2015

SOL       (59.10)   =>NI-0-0     / QNA-0     <= STUPI   (59.58)   8.50       -1
STUPI   (59.58)   =>TCP-0-1   / TCP-0-59<= GORVAX (8.400)   2.52       -1
GORVAX (8.400)   =>TCP-0-2   / TCP-0-8 <= LEGATO (2.1)       4.52       -1

  How come STUPI is talking to LEGATO via GORVAX, when STUPI has a direct
Multinet connection to LEGATO?   It could have done it in one hop, and
instead it chose two. 

  Answer: because the circuit costs are screwed up.   With redundant paths
you have to be really careful about how you set your circuit costs in order
to get the routings that you want; otherwise you'll get foolish results like

In this case it's the received metric. But, we got redundancy, just
not optimal routng..-:)

Setting the metrics in Hecnet is a bit tricky, as the   "ethernet
bridges" are invisible to DECnet routing.

Here is a suggestion....

Set all multinet links to metric 5 in both ends.
Set all bridged ethnert interfacec to 10


  The NETPTH executable you have runs on 36 bit machines?


It's really a shame that there's not a VAX version.

But it just does a buch of NML show;s and matches the links...


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