[Pollinator] NMNH BugFest 2005

Gary Krupnick Krupnick.Gary at NMNH.SI.EDU
Thu Aug 11 10:30:42 PDT 2005

The National Museum of Natural History presents:

BugFest 2005 - The Art and Science of Entomology
Saturday, September 17th, 2005
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.

BugFest 2005 is a one-day, hands-on learning experience for children (and
adults) of all ages, where they can meet Smithsonian scientists, peer
through microscopes, discover where insects and spiders live, and learn how
and why specialists prepare and assemble insect collections.

Want more? Dozens of exhibits will feature every aspect of arthropod life
and the fascinating role they play in our environment. Scientists will talk
about insect habitats, behavior, life histories, communication, and their
special relationships with other animals, human beings, agriculture, and the

Visit the BugFest 2005 website at

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