[Pollinator] Whole Foods to use NAPPC Committee's Pollinator Fact Sheet

entfdn april at entfdn.org
Mon Apr 3 08:31:18 PDT 2006

Dear NAPPC members,
  Just wanted to let you know that after many months of talking with Whole Foods, they agreed last week to share a Pollinator Fact Sheet produced by NAPPC's Consumer Outreach Committee with their consumers. A message from Whole Foods is below. The web addresses in which the fact sheet will be located are also below.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

  Thank you
  April Gower

  Co-Chair, NAPPC Outreach Committee

  Entomological Foundation
  (301) 459-9083
  april at entfdn.org


  I wanted to let you know that we think the Fact Sheet is well done and we will be using it as part of our Earth Day materials on our website and in our customer email newsletter, fl at vors. We don't have the specific web pages set up yet, but we expect to include this in our website's Fresh & New page, which we update monthly. We will have a short paragraph and then provide a link that will take visitors to your pdf file. 

  You can see this month's Fresh & New page here:

  The draft text is:

  Celebrating Pollinators
  Did you know that most insects are essential in our ecosystems? For example, almost 90% of all flowering plants rely on pollinators (like bees and butterflies) for fertilization. To honor their contribution on this Earth Day, we share great information from the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign to get your whole family involved with simple steps you can take in your yard to create habitat and help pollinators survive and thrive.

  (Note: I realize that all pollinators are not insects, but I liked the tie in to our ecosystem and think that readers will get that hummingbirds, bats, etc. are pollinators too, at least once they see your fact sheet.)

  After April, website visitors will be able to locate a link to this material through our Environmental Issues page, here:

  Additionally, we will include the text above and a link to the pdf in our April 20th issue of fl at vors, which goes out to over 250,000 subscribers. 

  Thank you for sharing your information with us. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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