[Pollinator] New publications about pollinator conservation

Matthew Shepherd (Xerces Society) mdshepherd at xerces.org
Thu Aug 3 15:42:57 PDT 2006

We are happy to announce the pubIication of two brochures about pollinator conservation.

In late July, the USDA's National Agroforestry Center published the first two of a four-issue series on pollinator conservation in Agroforestry Notes. Written by Mace Vaughan and Scott Black of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, these technical notes are designed to provide professional agroforesters (and those interested in agroforestry practices) with the information they need to design or adjust agroforestry plantings to have the greatest benefit to native bees and, subsequently, other pollinators.

Agroforestry Notes #32 provides an overview of the habitat needs of crop-pollinating native bees. 
Agroforestry Notes #33 addresses more specifically how nectar and pollen sources.

Both of these can be down loaded as PDF files from the Xerces Society's website, at http://www.xerces.org/Pollinator_Insect_Conservation/Agroforestry_Notes.htm

Two further issues of Agroforestry Notes due out this fall will discuss providing nest sites (# 34) and pesticide refugia (# 35) in locations like riparian buffers, wind breaks, forest farms, silvopasture, or alley crops. 

For more information on the National Agroforestry Center and to see these and other publications, please visit their website: http://www.unl.edu/nac/index.htm.
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Protecting wildlife through science-based advocacy, education, 
and conservation projects since 1971. To join the Society, make a 
contribution, or read about our work, please visit www.xerces.org.

Matthew Shepherd
Director, Pollinator Conservation Program
4828 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR 97215, USA
Tel: 503-232 6639 Fax: 503-233 6794
Email: mdshepherd at xerces.org 

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