[Pollinator] Cosponsors needed: Pollinator Protection Research Act of 2007

Mace Vaughan mace at xerces.org
Thu Jun 14 14:01:10 PDT 2007


Pollinator Protection Research Act (You can help by calling your Senator!)

Senator Boxer will soon be introducing the Pollinator Protection 
Research Act. This bill not only addresses Colony Collapse Disorder 
in honey bees, but also the decline of native pollinators in North 
America. This bill will enhance funding for research on the 
parasites, pathogens, toxins, and other environmental factors that 
affect honey bees and native bees. It supports research into the 
biology of native bees and their role in crop pollination, 
diversifying the pollinators upon which agriculture relies.

The Pollinator Protection Act provides for:
    * $25.25 million to the Agriculture Research Service over five 
years for research, personnel, and facility improvements regarding 
honey bee and native bee biology, causes/solutions for CCD, and bee 
toxicology, pathology, and physiology.
    * $50 million to the Cooperative State Research, Education, and 
Extension Service over five years to fund research grants to 
investigate honey bee and native bee biology, immunology, ecology, 
genomics, bioinformatics, parasites, pathogens, sublethal effects of 
insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, native bee crop pollination 
and habitat conservation, and effects of genetically modified crops.
    * $11.25 million to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
Service over five years to conduct a nationwide honey bee pest and 
pathogen surveillance program.
    * Annual reporting to the Committee on Agriculture of the House 
of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and 
Forestry of the Senate on the status and progress of bee research projects.
Please contact your Senator and urge them to cosponsor the Pollinator 
Protection Research Act of 2007 to provide for research funding into 
honey bee and native bee declines, and native bees as crop pollinators.

Current cosponsors include: Casey (PA), Thune (SD), Clinton (NY), 
Bill Nelson (FL), Menendez (NJ), Durbin (IL), and Brown (OH)

To find contact information for your Senator go to: To find contact 
information for your senator go to: 

For additional information on the Farm Bill and its conservation 
programs or research into the effectiveness of native bees for crop 
pollination please contact Scott Hoffman Black: 503-449-3792 
<mailto:sblack at xerces.org>sblack at xerces.org or Mace Vaughan: 
503-753-6000 <mailto:mace at xerces.org>mace at xerces.org

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Mace Vaughan
Conservation Director, Entomologist/Educator
4828 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR  97215-3252 USA
office: 503-232-6639  fax: 503-233-6794  mobile: 503-753-6000
email:  mace at xerces.org

The Xerces Society is an international nonprofit organization that 
protects the
diversity of life through invertebrate conservation.  To join the 
Society, make
a contribution, or read about our work, please visit http://www.xerces.org
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