[Pollinator] Is Spring here yet?

stephenbuchmann stephenbuchmann at comcast.net
Wed Mar 21 13:24:15 PDT 2007

Dear NAPPC partners,

Please join myself and others in reporting the "bud burst" (spring  
budding out, bud break) of native trees and
shrubs in the United States. This study will take place nationwide  
from April 1st  and June, 2007.

Project BudBurst is ideal for teachers and students, families  
interested in participating in a science
project, scouts and 4-H groups, gardening clubs, botanical  
gardens.... anyone or any group (or individual)
with an interest in contributing to a socially and scientifically  
relevant research study. You'll find all of
the information you need to participate in Project BudBurst at:      

Please visit the website and see if you are interested in reporting  
your spring, 2007 phenological
observations on any of 30 native trees/shrubs, 24 native wildflower  
species, 2 common exotic
weeds and 2 common exotic ornamental plants.


Stephen Buchmann
Interim International Coordinator,
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC)

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