[Pollinator] Bumble Bee Species Specimens Needed

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Fri Jun 12 11:50:33 PDT 2009

From: "Laurence Packer" <laurencepacker at yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday,  June 12, 2009 11:04:06 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

The following  pairs of bumble bee species fall into a taxonomic grey area 
- some authorities  being unsure of their taxonomic status.  If you have any 
specimens of any  of these species from anywhere in the country that have 
been collected in the  past 10 years and kept pinned and dry, or in ethanol, 
or if you could obtain a  couple of specimens fresh, we would be most 

If you could send  us the specimen(s), we would remove one leg for 
barcoding.  Take a picture  of it, and return them.

We need to get as broad a geographic coverage as  possible for this, so 
even if you think a particular species is common in your  area and not of 
interest to us, please still get one or two and send  it.

We only need a couple of specimens from each site - where site might  
generally be considered within a 50km radius within an ecozone - different  
altitudes within a short geographic distance up a mountainside in AB or BC would  
each count as being worthy of sampling.

Please send specimens to: Nick De  Silva, c/o Laurence Packer's Laboratory, 
Biology, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON.,  M3J 1P3



the species are:

terricola /  occidentalis
fervidus / californicus
pensylvanicus / sonorous
auricomus  / nevadensis
borealis / appositus

Laurie Davies Adams
Executive  Director
Pollinator Partnership 
423 Washington Street, 5th  floor
San Francisco, CA  94111
LDA at pollinator.org

_www.pollinator.org_ (http://www.pollinator.org/) 

_www.nappc.org_ (http://www.nappc.org/) 

National Pollinator Week is June 22-28, 2009. 
Beecome  involved at _www.pollinator.org_ (http://www.pollinator.org/) 
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