[Pollinator] Need Photos of Plants Good for Bees

contact at networkbees.com contact at networkbees.com
Thu Mar 17 11:55:13 PDT 2011

My name is Alice McCombs. I do a website www.NetworkBees.com dedicated  
to helping bees.

I've started a project called Photos of Plants Good for Bees:

The goal of the project is to create photo collections of bee-friendly  
plants for all ecoregions of the continental United States. People  
wishing to plant bee-friendly gardens will be able to see what their  
plants will look like.

I'm looking for donations of photos for the project. Individuals and  
businesses who donate photos will be listed on the NetworkBees site  
and credit will be given where the photos are posted.

To Donate Photographs to Photos of Plants Good for Bees:

Email photos to: NetworkBees at gmail.com
Or send photos by postal mail to:

c/o Alice McCombs
P O Box 573
Shawano, WI 54166

If you're donating photos please:

Include the city and state, or the zip code, of the area where the  
photos were taken.
Say what the plant is in each photo. (If you know; if you don't that's ok).
Indicate if you would like to be added to the list of donors for this project.
If you want to send photos of bees or beekeeping, that's wonderful!  
They will be added to galleries and sets about bees and beekeepers.

You can see what the galleries look like for the Sierran Steppe  
Ecoregion (California and Oregon) here:

Please feel free to share this email with people who might be interested.

Thank you! We thank you and the bees thank you.

Alice McCombs, Webmaster
P O Box 573
Shawano, WI 54166
networkbees at gmail.com

"Extinction is not something to contemplate. It is something to rebel  
Jonathan Schell

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