[Pollinator] Chapters for a book on Pollinators

Rajan Rajan rajan.newdelhi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 21:18:59 PDT 2012

We shall be writing an edited book on pollinators (that includes honeybees
as well) and different chapters could be:

1. Crops and insect pollinators - referring  and reviewing data that deals
with yield increase
2. Plant diversity and pollinators - in nature the role of pollinators to
conserve biodiversity
3. Techniques and experimental laying - for studying role of pollinators
4.  Honeybees - as pollinators in comparison to other pollinators
5.  Review of literature - global progress in the direction
6. Declining populations and diversity of pollinators - how to sustain
7. Future strategies - for healthy habitats for pollinators
8. Bumble bees - as glass house pollinators

You may suggest more titles for the chapters and guide me to search for
authors who are experts in the field of insect pollination and related
topics; to seek their acceptance.

The book has been requested by a well known publisher. So mail me today
title of the chapters of your interest, author (s) along with a short
abstract to indicate contents.

*rajan.newdelhi at gmail.com*
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