[Pollinator] Fwd: FW: Hastings Recognizes National Pollinator Week

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Tue Jun 19 06:29:21 PDT 2012

From: Moffet, Erin  
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 01:52 PM
To: Moffet, Erin  
Subject: Hastings Recognizes National Pollinator Week  

June 18, 2012 
Contact: Erin Moffet   
Phone: (202) 225-1313 
_www.alceehastings.house.gov_ (http://www.alceehastings.house.gov/)  

Hastings  Recognizes National Pollinator Week 
(Washington,  DC) Today,  Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-Miramar) made 
the following statement in  recognition of National Pollinator Week.  This 
year marks its sixth  anniversary, which is celebrated from June 18-24, 2012.  
“As the  co-founder of the Congressional Pollinator Protection Caucus, I am 
proud to  recognize National Pollinator Week. Seventy-five percent of all 
flowering  plants rely on animals and insects like butterflies, bats, birds, 
and most  importantly bees to move pollen from one plant to another and 
promote  fertilization.  Not only do pollinators play a critical role in the  
reproductive cycle of plants, but they also provide significant benefits to  
all of us.   
“Much of the  food consumed every single day in the United States and 
around the world is a  direct result of insect pollination. Plants grown for 
food, medicine, and even  certain fabrics require the help of pollinators. In 
fact, every third bite of  food eaten is made possible by these pollinators, 
as well as billions of  dollars worth of commodities produced and sold in the 
U.S. alone.    
“Due to a  number of factors, however, pollinators are struggling for 
survival. The  recent decline in both the health and population of pollinators 
around the  world is a major threat to not only biodiversity and the 
ecosystem, but also  our health and well-being.  National Pollinator Week is a 
necessary and  important opportunity to address the urgent decline of pollinator 
populations  and what must be done to ensure that they are preserved and 
Congressman  Alcee L. Hastings serves as Senior Member of the House Rules 
Committee,  Ranking Democratic Member of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, and 
Democratic  Chairman of the Florida Delegation. 

Erin M.  Moffet 
Press  Secretary/Legislative Assistant 
Congressman Alcee L.  Hastings 
2353 Rayburn House Office  Building 
Phone:  202.225.1313 
Fax:  202.225.1171 
Email: _Erin.Moffet at mail.house.gov_ (mailto:Erin.Moffet at mail.house.gov)    
Website: _www.alceehastings.house.gov_ (http://alceehastings.house.gov/)  

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