[Pollinator] Wings of Life WEBINAR

Kimberley Fellows kimberley.fellows at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 16:58:05 PDT 2013


I've been looking into showing Wings of Life at a local repertory theatre,
for Pollinator Week (June 17th-23rd), and the P.R. person, Michael, asked
me to share this link to a webinar that is happening on Sunday, April 21,
2013 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM (PDT) -- sweet, that means it's happening at
11:30 a.m. my time (Eastern Daylight)!

It will be featuring TWO fabulous pollinator personnel: Victoria Wojick and
Chip Taylor!

Here's the link: http://wingsoflifewebinar.eventbrite.com   (scroll further
down the page for details).

Best regards,

*K i m b e r l e y   M.   F e l l o w s**
*Pollination Outreach Coordinator*
*Seeds of Diversity <http://www.seeds.ca/en.php> ~ Pollination
Semences du Patrimoine <http://www.seeds.ca/fr.php> ~ Pollinisation Canada
<http://www.pollinisationcanada.ca/>303-40 King Street South
Waterloo ON N2J 1N8 Canada

Heard about Bee Friendly Farming or

"Spot Your Flower <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3pIuy69UE8>" *
* Yes, you're right ... the film uses the word 'proboscis' incorrectly, for
a moth's proboscis refers to their feeding tube, and would be more
accurately described as a tongue. In contrast, proboscis usually refers to
a nose in the vertebrate world (animals with a backbone). A majority
of pollinators
inadvertently spread flower pollen simply as they feed on pollen and nectar for
their own nutritional needs. Do not be confused -- in this film clip
featuring this particular orchid pollination, it is still plant pollen that
is involved in pollination -- you can learn more about this wondrous,
unusual strategy in Michael Pollan's musings Love and
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