[Pollinator] BEE Protective this Earth Day

Ken kenwork at aol.com
Mon Apr 22 13:02:37 PDT 2013

The Center for Food Safety is asking for your help to protect our pollinators.

Bees and other beneficial pollinators are disappearing at alarming rates. While we may not know the exact cause of the disappearance, we do know that some pesticides are contributing to their decline. We also know there are simple things we can each do to help combat pollinator loss. That’s why I’ve joined Center for Food Safety's Bee Protective Campaign. 

By making simple choices—such as avoiding pesticide products that contain neonicotinoids and choosing to plant pollinator-friendly plants to provide bees forage—we can help address this crisis. Will you join me?

Please help to protect our honey bees and other native pollinators by joining me in taking the pledge to protect bees and other beneficial insects.

Take the pledge here: http://bit.ly/BeeProtectivePledge 


BEE Protective this Earth Day

This Earth Day, we’re launching the BEE Protective Campaign to protect honey bees and other pollinators from pesticides. 
Join the campaign by taking the Pledge to BEE Protective!


            Bees and other beneficial pollinators are disappearing at alarming rates. While we may not know the exact cause of the disappearance, we do know that some pesticides are contributing to their decline. But we also know there are simple things we can each do to help combat pollinator loss. 
            That’s why this Earth Day Center for Food Safety and Beyond Pesticides have joined forces to launch the BEE Protective Campaign, aimed at protecting honey bees and other pollinators from pesticides. Pollinators are a vital part of the environment and critical to the nation’s food production, and they’re in serious trouble. By making simple choices—such as avoiding pesticide products that contain bee-toxic neonicotinoids and choosing pollinator-friendly plants for your garden to provide forage for bees—we can all help address this crisis.
            Join the Campaign! Help protect our honey bees and other native pollinators by taking the pledge to protect bees and other beneficial insects.
            BEE Protective is releasing a variety of educational materials, including the BEE Protective Pledge; a BEE Protective Habitat Guide, providing information on creating native pollinator habitat in your own yard; a list to help you eliminate bee-toxic chemicals in your home, yard, and garden; and a number of other tools.  
            One in every three bites of food is reliant on bees and other species for pollination, so the decline of honey bees and other pollinators demands swift action. Pesticides, specifically neonicotinoids, have increasingly been linked to bee declines. These chemicals are used extensively in U.S. agriculture, especially as seed treatment for corn and soybeans. But agriculture is not the only concern, as pesticide applications in home gardens, city parks, and landscaping are also prime culprits in the proliferation of these harmful chemicals.  The systemic residues of these pesticides not only contaminate pollen, nectar, and the wider environment, but have repeatedly been identified as highly toxic to honey bees. That’s why the BEE Protective Campaign will also be working to encourage municipalities and campuses to adopt policies that protect bees and other pollinators from these harmful pesticides. 
            Join the BEE Protective Campaign! Get started by taking the pledge to protect bees and other beneficial insects.

Center for Food Safety
                                660 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, #302
                                Washington DC 20003
                                phone (202) 547-9359 | fax (202) 547-9429
                                Contact Us: office at centerforfoodsafety.org
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