[Pollinator] Bee swarm rescue

Neal, Stacy L. (927) sneal at cob.org
Sat Jun 28 06:43:52 PDT 2014

I live and work in Bellingham Wa.   I work at the 911 Center and our local Beekeeper Assoc gives us a list of beekeepers willing to catch swarms.   Citizens and businesses often call us advising of a swarm and we call one of the beekeepers on the list and they respond to collect the bees.  Some beekeepers will collect county wide, some will only respond to the east side of county etc.   It works great, someone is always available and willing to respond.  We are a county of approximately 200,000 people and have a list of about 20 beekeepers [all non commercial keepers]

Stacy Neal

Public Safety Dispatcher

what-comm 911

620 Alabama St

Bellingham Wa


sneal at cob.org<mailto:sneal at cob.org>

Be Kind, for every person you meet is fighting a hard battle    ----- Plato

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From: Pollinator <pollinator-bounces+sneal=cob.org at lists.sonic.net> on behalf of Johnson, Renee <RJOHNSON at crs.loc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 1:43 PM
To: pollinator at nappc.org
Subject: [Pollinator] Bee swarm rescue

Hi All,
Has NAPPC or other groups compiled information on efforts to save bee swarms? - to answer the staffer's question at last week's congressional briefing about 'what to do about swarming bees?'

Here's a great clip (with Toni Burnham at DC Beekeepers Alliance): http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-28004876 (she is very cool)
Here in the DC area, DCBeekeepers is very active catching and saving swarms to build a new hive.
Also see: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/when-bees-swarm-its-good-news--for-the-bees-anyway/2014/06/23/68c33a80-dd15-11e3-b745-87d39690c5c0_story.html

BANV also provides some support catching swarms: http://beekeepersnova.wordpress.com/club-activities/bee-swarms/bee-wranglers/
Prince William Regional Beekeepers Association (PWRBA) has similar information on their website: http://pwrbeekeepers.com/

If it doesn't exist already, maybe NAPPC could consider a public service on this?

This same question ('what to do about swarming bees?') often comes into our local VCE extension offices each year and there is often little information about what to do - and some volunteer master gardeners who work the phones often just suggest calling an exterminator! This might be a useful partnership.


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Renee Johnson
Specialist in Agricultural Policy
Congressional Research Service
rjohnson at crs.loc.gov<mailto:rjohnson at crs.loc.gov>

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