[Pollinator] National Pollinator Garden Network Launches Million Pollinator Garden Challenge

Kelly Rourke kr at pollinator.org
Wed Jun 3 12:08:14 PDT 2015

NPGN Launches Million Pollinator Garden Challenge

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*National Pollinator Garden Network Launches Million Pollinator Garden

WASHINGTON, DC (June 3, 2015) – In an unprecedented collaboration, dozens
of conservation and gardening organizations joined together today to form
the National Pollinator Garden Network and launch a new nationwide campaign
– the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Designed to accelerate growing efforts across America, the Network is
launching the Challenge in support of President Barack Obama’s call to
action to reverse the decline of pollinating insects, such as honey bees
and native bees, as well as monarch butterflies. Representatives of the
Network joined First Lady Michelle Obama today at the White House garden,
which includes a section dedicated to support pollinators, to formally
launch the Challenge.

The National Pollinator Garden Network collectively represents nearly one
million active gardeners and 15,000 schoolyard gardens. The Network is
challenging the nation to reach the goal of one million additional
pollinator gardens by the end of 2016. The Network will work to provide
resources for individuals, community groups, government agencies and the
garden industry to create more pollinator habitat through sustainable
gardening practices and conservation efforts.

As noted in President Obama’s 2014 Presidential Memorandum on Pollinator
and recently released *National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey
Bees and Other Pollinators*
federal action combined with private sector partnerships and strong citizen
engagement can restore pollinator populations to healthy levels. Pollinator
gardens provide one way to reverse that decline by offering food, water,
cover and places to raise young for honey bees, native bees, butterflies,
hummingbirds and other pollinators.

To tackle these challenges, the Network is rallying hundreds of thousands
of gardeners, horticultural professionals, schools, and volunteers to help
reach a million pollinator gardens over the next two years. Any individual
can contribute by planting for pollinators and joining this effort to
provide a million pollinator gardens across the United States. Every
habitat of every size counts, from window boxes and garden plots to farm
borders, golf courses, school gardens, corporate and university campuses.
Everywhere we live, work, play and worship can, with small improvements,
offer essential food and shelter for pollinators.

“If we all work together — individuals, communities, farmers, land
managers, and local, state, and federal agencies — we can ensure that every
American child has a chance to enjoy the beauty of creatures like bees,
monarch butterflies, and hummingbirds,” said Collin O’Mara
President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. “By joining forces
with the National Pollinator Garden Network on the Million Pollinator
Garden Challenge, the National Wildlife Federation and our affiliates are
amplifying these collective efforts to address the growing threats
affecting so much of America’s treasured wildlife.”

“Bees are vital in seed and agriculture production, as well as general
ecosystem health, and ensuring their wellbeing is a priority,” said Andrew
W. LaVigne
President and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association. “ASTA’s diverse
membership includes companies with expertise in the production of seed for
pollinator forage and health. We look forward to working in tandem with the
White House and members of the National Pollinator Garden Network to
increase the outreach and education of this important initiative.”

 “National Garden Bureau supports gardens of all types, done by any type of
gardener for any reason and gardening for the health of pollinators is a
priority for NGB and our members,” said Diane Blazek
Executive Director of the National Garden Bureau. “We are thrilled to be
part of the National Pollinator Garden Network and look forward to the day
we reach one million pollinator gardens registered in the Million
Pollinator Garden Challenge.”

“Horticulture has a huge opportunity to be part of the solution to the
threats facing pollinators, and we look forward to working together to meet
the challenge,” said Michael Geary
President and CEO of AmericanHort.

“All pollinators are critical to our ecosystems, as well as our Nation’s
economic well-being. We know that honey bees alone contribute over $15
billion to U.S. food production,” said Jennifer Tedeschi
COO at National Gardening Association. “NGA has worked for over 40 years to
educate people of all ages about the personal and community benefits of
gardening. We are thrilled to be partnering with so many experts in
conservation, ecosystems, and horticulture to bring this challenge to the
American people and engage them in protecting pollinators thereby
protecting our environment and food systems.”

 “Pollinators are critical to our survival. Our member gardens preserve and
restore existing pollinator habitats as well as create new places where
millions of Americans can appreciate the indispensable role of plants and
their allies,” said Casey Sclar
Executive Director of the American Public Gardens Association. “We are
proud to work with our network collaborators and federal agency partners on
this important effort.”

“Pollinator Partnership has worked for pollinator health for nearly two
decades, and we are thrilled to see this seminal moment arrive; thanks to
the National Pollinator Garden Network, an extraordinary collaboration has
been formed to support every American in providing the help that
pollinators desperately need in every landscape,” said Laurie Davies Adams
Executive Director of the Pollinator Partnership. “What a profound and
important opportunity this is - we are coming together as a nation to share
our landscapes with bees and butterflies; each of us can support the very
creatures that support us every day.”

Full list of National Pollinator Garden Network partner organizations:

   - America In Bloom
   - American Horticultural Society
   - American Public Gardens Association
   - American Seed Trade Association
   - AmericanHort
   - Captain Planet Foundation
   - Home Garden Seed Association
   - Keep America Beautiful
   - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
   - Monarch Watch
   - National Environmental Education Foundation
   - National Gardening Association
   - National Garden Bureau
   - National Garden Clubs, Inc.
   - National Recreation and Park Association
   - National Wildlife Federation
   - North American Butterfly Association
   - Pollinator Partnership
   - Society of American Florists
   - USDA People’s Garden
   - Wild Ones
   - Wildlife Habitat Council
   - Xerces Society for Invertebrate Biology

Learn more at www.millionpollinatorgardens.org
and join the discussion on Twitter through the hashtag #PolliNation.


Craig Regelbrugge, AmericanHort, CraigR at AmericanHort.org, 202-789-8111
Abigail K S Spencer, American Public Gardens Association,
aspencer at publicgardens.org, 610-708-3011
Janice Walters, American Seed Trade Association, jwalters at amseed.org,
Jennifer Tedeschi, National Gardening Association, Jennt at garden.org,
Diane Blazek, National Garden Bureau, dblazek at aas-ngb.org, 630-963-7062
Miles Grant, National Wildlife Federation, GrantM at NWF.org, 703-864-9599
Laurie Adams, Pollinator Partnership, lda at pollinator.org, 415-260-8092


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