[Pollinator] The Wild World of Bees: Stay-at-Home Lectures [Apr 16, 7pm PST]

Melathopoulos, Andony andony.melathopoulos at oregonstate.edu
Wed Apr 15 12:54:55 PDT 2020

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The Wild World of Bees [stay-at-home lecture series]
She's a Bad Bee: A Closer Look at Oregon's Kleptoparasites
August Jackson, author of The Bees of the Willamette Valley: A comprehensive guide to the genera.
April 16, 2020
7pm [PST]

Stay-at-home lecture series on the interesting world of native bees. Join the Oregon Bee Atlas for a discussion of some of the lesser-known features of these fascinating creatures. The series is supported by the Oregon Bee Project (OSU Extension, Oregon Department of Forestry and Oregon Department of Agriculture) and the Mount Pisgah Arboretum.

This week we will learn about some of the oddest bees in the state, the kleptoparasites. These bees don't build their own nests, but "cuckoo" the nests of other bees. August is the Interpretation Coordinator at Mount Pisgah Arboretum, helping to develop the Arboretum’s interpretive exhibits and adult educational programming. He has been studying and photographing bees and other pollinating insects in the region for over five years, and his photographs have appeared in a number of publications. August regularly teaches classes and delivers talks on pollination ecology and bee identification around the state. Most recently, he is an instructor with the Oregon Bee Atlas in teaching basic bee taxonomy to volunteers conducting a statewide census of Oregon’s bee species.


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Andony Melathopoulos, Assistant Professor Pollinator Health Extension
Department of Horticulture | Oregon State University
4017 Agricultural and Life Science Building | Corvallis, OR 97331-7304
cell: (541) 452-3038 | Andony.Melathopoulos at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Name at youremail.com>
website<https://twitter.com/oregonbeeproj> | twitter<https://twitter.com/oregonbeeproj> | facebook<https://www.facebook.com/oregonbeeproject/> | instagram<https://www.instagram.com/oregonbeeproject/> | podcast

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