[Pollinator] CO Pollinator Summit

David Inouye inouye at umd.edu
Tue Oct 27 07:22:15 PDT 2020

There's still time to register for the 2020 Colorado Pollinator Summit!

We've expanded registration and hope you can join us for a diversity of presentations, panels, and discussions on pollinator research, education, management, and conservation. Registration is $20 and includes access to live streamed sessions, interaction via chat or video during breakout sessions and panel discussions, and the ability to peruse research posters, visit virtual sponsor and vendor booths. Registrants will receive instructional videos before the summit to help them navigate the summit in Both Central. Dr. Dave Goulson will deliver the plenary talk and ECOLOG-L's founder, Dr. David Inouye, will speak about his long-term research in the Research Session!

Thanks so much to all who have help and we hope to see a lot of pollinator researchers there!

--- Original Message---

Are you a researcher studying pollinators in Colorado? Or an educator teaching about pollinators? Perhaps you're just curious about the state of Colorado's pollinators and what you or others can do to help.

If so, please join us for the 5th Annual Colorado Pollinator Summit, to be held virtually on Thursday, November 5th, 2020. We have organized a diverse array of speakers in sessions on Colorado Pollinator Research, Education, Management and Policy. Virtual attendees can attend a live plenary from Dr. Dave Goulson, and can participate in live panel discussions on issues surrounding Colorado pollinators, and how we can bridge disciplines to promote conservation actions, protect pollinator habitats, and foster pollinator diversity.

More information and a link to registration, visit:

If you'd like to share some of your Colorado pollinator research, education, or conservation activities, limited space is available for virtual posters! Contact Dr. Adrian Carper,adrian.l.carper at colorado.edu, for more information.

Schedule at a glance:

8:15am to 8:45am Welcome to the Pollinator Summit!

8:45am to 9:45am Keynote - Dr. Dave Goulson

10:00 to 12:00pm
Session 1: Education, Engagement and Equity: Inspiring Coloradans to Work for Change
Session 2: Policy Panel Discussion: Creating and Implementing Policies that Accelerate Pollinator Conservation

12:00 to 1:00pm Lunch break, Virtual vendors, Virtual Posters

1:00pm - 3:00pm
Session 3: Colorado's Pollinator Research: Building Knowledge to Inform Conservation Action
Session 4: Managing our Lands to Protect Pollinators and Build Resilient Farms, Rangeland and Cities

3:00pm to 3:15pm Summary and concluding remarks
3:15pm to 4:00pm Virtual happy hour, posters, and mixer

Dr. David W. Inouye
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
University of Maryland

Principal Investigator
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

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