<font size=2>The Oregon state office of the Natural Resource Conservation
Service (NRCS) has just produced a new <i>Plants for Pollinators in
Oregon </i>Technology Note in collaboration with the Xerces
Society. It is designed as a tool to help NRCS field
conservationists work with landowners to implement pollinator
conservation practices on working lands in Oregon. <br><br>
Here is a link to the document at the Oregon NRCS website. Within
the pdf are links to the plant spreadsheets, which may be downloaded and
opened in Excel for easy use.<br>
</font> <br>
<font size=2>
<a href="ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/OR/Technical_Notes/Plant%20Materials/PMC13.pdf">
</font>Thanks to Kathy Pendergrass, Oregon NRCS Plant Materials
Specialist, for all of her hard work pulling this together.<br><br>
<b>The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation<br>
</b><font size=1>Mace Vaughan<br>
Conservation Director, Entomologist/Educator <br>
4828 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97215-3252 USA<br>
office: 503-232-6639 fax: 503-233-6794 mobile:
email: mace@xerces.org <br><br>
The Xerces Society is an international, nonprofit organization that
protects wildlife <br>
through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. To join the
Society, <br>
make a contribution, or read about our work, please visit
<a href="http://www.xerces.org/" eudora="autourl">
</a></font>_______________________________________________ </body>