A friend thought you might be interested in this article they read on the <a href="http://www.capitalpress.com">Capital Press</a> agriculture news website:
<a href="http://www.capitalpress.com/content/SB-small-farm-bees-031811-art"><p>Judicious pesticide use critical for pollinators</p></a><p>
<p><p>Invite bees in and don't kill them off, beekeeper advises
<p>Capital Press
<p>CENTRALIA, Wash. -- Beekeeper Robert Harris grudgingly admits that bees may not be the best pollinators.
<p>"The common housefly is the most efficient pollinator," he said, "but who wants them around?"
<p>With about 80 percent of crops dependent on pollinators, protecting them is paramount, he said.
<p>Pollinators need no other encouragement to do their work, he said.
<p>"It's most likely just the unintended conseq ...</p>
<a href="http://www.capitalpress.com/content/SB-small-farm-bees-031811-art">Click here to read the rest of the story.</a>