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3/15/2013 2:38:34 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time<BR>Subj: Fwd: Post-doc
Opportunity in Pollination<BR></DIV>
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<H3>Post-doc position open: Modeling crop pollination services</H3>
<P><STRONG>Position</STRONG>: The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
seeks a postdoctoral researcher to develop rigorous and practical models that
predict crop pollination services across agricultural landscapes. The
position is part of a new collaborative project funded by the USDA,
“Developing Sustainable Pollination Strategies for U.S. Specialty
Crops.†We aim to understand how farm management practices affect
pollinators, and to develop recommendations for harnessing native bees for
crop pollination. The 3-year position will be directed by Taylor
Ricketts at The University of Vermont and co-advised by Eric Lonsdorf,
Research Scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden.</P>
<P><STRONG>Responsibilities</STRONG>: The postdoctoral researcher will:
develop a spatially-explicit statistical model integrating the ecology and
economics of crop pollination services (building on our initial modeling
efforts); work closely with project field teams to apply this model to several
agricultural landscapes and crops within the US; use the fitted models to
predict impacts of habitat enhancements on pollinator communities and crop
productivity. The post-doctoral researcher will work closely with both
Dr. Ricketts and Dr. Lonsdorf, and will interact continuously with the broader
project team (<A title=http://www.icpbees.org/ href="http://www.icpbees.org/"
<P><STRONG>Qualifications</STRONG>: Applicants must have a doctoral
degree in ecology, economics, agricultural science, or related fields.
Successful candidates will have strong quantitative and statistical modeling
skills, expertise in pollination or landscape ecology, successful experience
with interdisciplinary collaboration, and a commitment to connecting research
to real-world land management.</P>
<P><STRONG>Application:</STRONG> Applicants should send a letter of interest,
curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Taylor
Ricketts, Director, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, at <A
title=mailto:taylor.ricketts@uvm.edu href="mailto:taylor.ricketts@uvm.edu"
target=_blank>taylor.ricketts@uvm.edu</A>.<STRONG> </STRONG>Review of
applications will begin on April 12, 2013 and we anticipate a start date of
July 1, 2013. </P>
<P><STRONG>Setting: </STRONG>The University of Vermont is located in
Burlington, between the Green and Adirondack Mountains and on the shores of
Lake Champlain. The Gund Institute is a transdisciplinary environmental
research center involving 20 Faculty Fellows, visiting scholars, and graduate
students (<A title=http://www.uvm.edu/giee/ href="http://www.uvm.edu/giee/"
target=_blank>www.uvm.edu/giee/</A>). Related efforts at UVM include a
university-wide research initiative in Food Systems. </P>
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