<div dir="ltr"><div><div>People not living in Ontario, Canada may not know that the provincial government has proposed banning neonicotinoid-treated corn and soy seed. Coincident with a period of public comment on the proposed ban, full page ads purporting to be from farmers groups but paid for by agro-chem companies appeared in most Ontario newspapers. The ads claimed everything was fine for bees in Ontario and that there was no proof of harm to pollinators by neonics.<br><br></div>I was one of a number of people who tried to correct the record. Attached to this message is a summary I did of the timeline of neonic introduction and honey bee colony and honey production losses. I also analyzed some studies paid for by Bayer which claimed no harm to bees from neonics. The Ontario Beekeepers Association (OBA) has published this summary to their members, and I offer it to any other group wishing to pass it along to members or the public. If you use the article as-is, no permission is required to republish; if you want to shorten it let me see the edited copy before publishing, please.<br><br></div>Â Clement Kent<br></div>