[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2011 website: feedback wanted!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Mar 28 15:12:40 PDT 2011

Hi everyone - I just had a quick comment and question about this year's
Atari Party website ( http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/atariparty/2011/ )

First off, I think this year I'm going to avoid trying to keep track of
_every single game_ that's going to be at the event, since I'm not convinced
it's worth it.  (To get an idea of what I'm talking about, see last year's
list: http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/atariparty/2010/games/ )

Secondly, I've spent a few spare moments in front of my laptop putting
together some of the more essential information (maps, directions, info
on prizes, etc.) for 2011, and wanted your feedback.

* Am I missing anything important?
* Is it easy to find the info. you need?
* Does it look okay in your favorite web browser?
* Any other thoughts/ideas?

If you have any feedback or suggestions, send them my way!
Also, if you're on Facebook, there's a "Like" button on the site now,
as well as a Facebook Event you can join (and share with friends!)


And, of course, the Atari Party group that's been there for a year or two:


Thanks in advance, and see a bunch of you in June, if not sooner!

Sent from my computer

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