[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2013 is 1 month away!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jun 6 10:00:27 PDT 2013

Atari Party 2013 is one month away!  I hope to see you at the public library
here in Davis, on Saturday July 6th!  Many of us will be there setting things
up at 10am, when the library opens.  The event officially starts at 12 noon.


If you're coming from out of town, and looking for a hotel or motel, here
are a few links that you might find useful:

  * Google Maps search for "hotel" near Davis
    (note: check-in set for July 6th, the day of the event; change as needed)


  * "Hotels" pages on the DavisWiki and WoodlandWiki:


    (Sadly, the West Sac. and Dixon Wikis don't have anything on their
    "Hotels" pages; but they're wikis, so you can help fix that! ;) )

Want to help?

We're still in need of TVs (I need at least 3 more than I have, to set up
all of the systems I'd like to bring), and volunteers to help 'usher'
(hand out raffle tickets when people arrive, and help attendees -- or at least
point them to someone else who can help).

I'm also considering buying a pair of game consoles (Atari 2600 & 7800,
plus games & controllers) from a local comic book store to give away
as prizes.  They're asking $50, but I'll also need to buy some power
supplies, since they have none.

However, I have $0 budget this year, since so far all donations have been
give-away items.  While this obviously isn't a deal-breaker, it's always
cool to have actual Ataris to give away as prizes, so I thought I'd
mention it, just in case anyone out here felt particularly charitable. :)


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