[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2016 scheduled - July 30th!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Mar 31 12:01:29 PDT 2016

Plans for "Atari Party 2016" are underway!

We'll once again be holding it at the Davis branch of the Yolo County
Public Library (315 E. 14th St. in Davis), in the Blanchard room.
It will be Saturday, July 30th, from 12pm - 5pm.  (Setup starts at 10am)

The website for this year's event is coming together:

There's also a Facebook event you can join (and please share!)

(And don't forget, there's a Facebook page for "Atari Party"
as a whole: https://www.facebook.com/AtariPartyDavis/)

I've already got some give-away prizes lined up, too.  Among them, a "Super 78"
arcade-quality controller from Edladdin (it works on Atari 2600  7800, and
many other systems that can use Atari joysticks, including modern PCs & Macs
via an inexpensive USB adapter), and a (gently used) original Nintendo Wii
game console!

So, mark your calendars and tell your friends...
and if you're interested in volunteering this year, let me know!

PS - Also don't forget that I (along with two other volunteers) will be
holding a "mini Atari Party" exhibit at this year's Sac. Indie Arcade,
held by the Sacramento chapter of the International Game Developer's Assoc.
It's in less than two weeks, on Sat. April 9th in West Sacramento:

Sent from my computer

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