[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2016 volunteering & sponsorship

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri May 27 11:52:04 PDT 2016

Hi all!  Atari Party is just about 2 months away, and I wanted
to check up on who's planning to volunteer, and take a moment
to ask for sponsorship.

So far, the following people have offered to come exhibit (thanks!):

 * Andy O'Brien   (Atari 800, STe, and maybe a Jaguar)
 * Greg Dodd      (Atari ST)
 * Marlin Bates   (TBD; possibly Jaguar, Lynxes, 8-bit, Portfolio)
 * Mark Birsching (Centipede arcade cabinet)
 * Myself         (2600, 7800, XL, Lynxes, Jag, NES, GBA, Genesis, PSX, PS2...)

In terms of other kinds of volunteering, I don't have anyone scheduled
to help, aside from Briana Aea, who has offered to print & post flyers
around Sacramento for us (thanks!)

We'd benefit from non-exhibitor volunteers who can act as docents,
help hand out raffle tickets for the free prize give-away, and help
exhibitors to move, set up, and break down their gear.

Personally, I may need someone with a truck, van, or other vehicle
that has higher capacity than my sedan, to get my equipment to & from
the show.  I'll almost certainly need some extra TVs/monitors, too.

Check out the volunteer page, and let me know if you'd like to help,
and how!  (http://newbreedsoftware.com/atariparty/2016/volunteer/)

Also, I'm happily accepting sponsorship via PayPal, to cover costs of
the event (cost of the room at the library, printing flyers, and
to defray the cost of lunch for volunteers).  Molly Patton was kind
enough to donate $16 to cover my flyer printing costs so far (thanks!)

If you'd like to help too, go here:

Thanks in advance, and see many of you in July!

Sent from my computer

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