[atariparty-news] Extra Life video game marathon for Children's Miracle Network

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Oct 12 23:04:03 PDT 2016

I'm proud to announce that Atari Party volunteers (well, two of us so far;
Andy O'Brien and myself) are participating in "Extra Life" this November!

Extra Life is a 24 hour gaming marathon to support Children's Miracle
Network Hospitals -- a non-profit organization that raises funds and
awareness for 170 children's hospitals across the U.S. and Canada.
(Extra Life started in 2008, and has so far raised $14M!)

Many people play video games during their marathon, though it's not restricted
to that -- in fact, I'm considering spending part of the marathon _writing_
a video game!

Game Day this year is November 5th, although some participants are doing their
marathons on different days, and/or not doing it 24 hours straight.  Many
people live-stream their marathon, so you can vicariously enjoy some gaming.

I'm here to briefly ask for three things:

 (1) Help spread the word about Team Atari Party! :)
     Send your friends & family to the URL below.

 (2) Please consider donating to the cause!  We're at $30 so far;
     I set a modest goal of $500.

 (3) Finally, if you'd like to _participate_, consider joining us on
     the Atari Party Team!

Learn more here: http://newbreedsoftware.com/atariparty/2016/extralife/

Sent from my computer

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