[atariparty-news] Atari Party Coordination

Marlin Bates marlin4 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 00:39:44 PDT 2017


In light of the recent cancellation, I really want to start planning for the next party so we can make sure it happens.  I cannot do it without you!

I am *very* open to suggestions for days/dates/venues.

I appreciate that not everyone can volunteer to run the whole thing, but if you can volunteer for anything, it would be appreciated.  The first thing to decide is VENUE!

Suggestions on where you would like to see this held?


-Marlin "MacRorie" Bates
-The Brewing Academy
-Voice: 530-618-BREW (2739)
-Web: http://www.thebrewingacademy.com/

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