[BerkeleyDailyPlanet] Labor Day Special

Updates from the Berkeley Daily Planet berkeleydailyplanet at lists.sonic.net
Sun Sep 2 14:20:53 PDT 2018

Hello.  Here' s what I've posted so far.  If you happen to have written
something for publication, let me know if you don't see it here. Keep in
mind that we welcome submissions to opinion at berkeleydailyplanet.com if
they're signed by your real name.
Editorials: Fixing a Failing Flip: 2211 Harold Way Gets Another Pass for
Another Year

Let's Take Back the Speaker Along with the House
The Editor's Back Fence: More to Come

What's Happening to 2211 Harold Way?
Hammargren* *09-01-2018*

Housing the Homeless
Poole* *09-02-2018*

Wisdom of the Locals
Beckles* *09-02-2018*

Predictive Work Scheduling Law Is a Must
Brill* *08-31-2018*

When Women Are The Main Breadwinners
Brill* *08-25-2018*

Why Should BART Be Offered Zoning Power?
Bronstein* *08-25-2018*

Berkeley Campus Gun Scare Was False Alarm
Supriya Yelimeli (BCN)* *08-29-2018*

THE PUBLIC EYE: It’s the Corruption, Stupid
Burnett* *09-01-2018*

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE: Asia/Pacific’s Shifting Alliances
Hallinan* *09-02-2018*

ECLECTIC RANT: Labor Day 2018
E. Stone* *09-02-2018*

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Paranoia as an Obstacle to Treatment
Bragen* *08-31-2018*

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces
Smith* *09-02-2018*

THE PUBLIC EYE:Elizabeth’s Big Idea
Burnett* *08-25-2018*

Bragen* *08-25-2018*

ECLECTIC RANT:Global warming is real and it could become irreversible
Ralph E. Stone* *08-25-2018*

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces:
Smith* *08-25-2018*

The Berkeley Activist's Calendar, Sept. 7-9
Hammargren, Sustainable Berkeley Coalition* *09-01-2018*

Wonderful Recordings of Lute Music
by James Roy MacBean* *08-27-2018*

The 2018 Merola Grand Finale
by James Roy MacBean* *08-26-2018*
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