[Dariens B Gd] My regrets: NO Darien's Ballot Guide for '22

Darien De Lu conjoin at sonic.net
Thu Oct 6 20:28:20 PDT 2022

Dear Subscribers,
	Some of you have been receiving my guide for decades, and some of you are newly subscribed. Even a week ago, I was still intending to “do” the Ballot Guide for this November, but now I’m not.
	 It’s very hard for me to acknowledge this break in my 20-year-plus tradition, but I must.  I know many of you really rely on Darien’s Ballot Guide for well researched and concise analysis of the props.  However, a number of factors are combining to prevent me from producing a proper Guide this year: 
	 the great importance of this year’s elections across the country (calling me to be more involved) (Vote, vote, vote!);
	 my very demanding volunteer work, as President of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom;
	 the generous number of props.;
	 and some long-postponed and crucial personal responsibilities.
	On the positive side, many — or even most — of the props. this year aren’t so difficult to decide on!  But, as those who’ve seen past Guides know, “deciding” is not the only purpose of the Guide.  I want to continue to be a trustworthy researcher, analyst, and presenter of issues for you.  This year, I just don’t have the time to do it.
	In the U.S. today, teetering on the brink of both fascism and nuclear war, I can’t promise that I’ll be here for you in two years.  (Sacramento, California, has been secure from being burned up in wild fires, tho’ we get smoked out.  Here, on the slightly high ground at the conjoining of two rivers, I’m starting to wonder about flood insurance.  We all face too many threats!)
	I want to be back in ‘24!  I take great pleasure in offering others who share my interests in a more just, liberated, balanced, and sustainable world the gift of the Guide.  
		So here’s to reaching out to you again in 2024!
						Yours, with affection and encouragement in these difficult days, Darien 

"The history of humankind does show us, the purpose of the empire has always been to dull the senses…. “collateral damage”… the state wants to dull the senses. The artist, the poet, is somebody who always wants to wake up the senses…. to work with human senses… like a ladder with which we can climb out of a deep hole that humans tend to put each other in.”
	Ilya Kaminsky, author and poet  

          * Darien De Lu  (she, her) *  *  conjoin at sonic.net   *    
                   * 916/739-0860, landline  — texts don’t work! * 
Learn about Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: https://wilpfus.org/.

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