[Grupito] FW: correccion: sigiente tertulia

Xequina Berber xequina at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 17 13:03:26 PDT 2007

Xequina, desculpame, I meant to say  7 pm, could you change it? Sorry Anne
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:25:56 -0700 Xequina Berber <xequina at hotmail.com> writes:


  La siguente reunion es miercoles, 7:00 p.m., el 26 de septiembre, en la casa de Ana Gomes.   5244 James Ave., Oakland. 
James is two blocks long, parallel to Lawton, and is between Clifton and Cavour. It doesn't go through to College or 51st St.
Also:  One person has volunteered to bring a dessert.
Please RSVP to Ana:  angomes at juno.comphone 595-3715 El cuento para la tertulia:http://www.elcuento.com/Textos/Num004/casadob1004.php 

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