[HECnet] New host: RHESUS (VMS on Itanium)

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Wed Oct 22 22:29:27 PDT 2008

Sampsa Laine wrote:
I have finally managed to get my rx2600 running, it's accesible on HECnet with the host name RHESUS (1.403).
It's a dual Itanium 900MHz, 8 GB of RAM, one 146 GB disk running OpenVMS 8.3-1H1. Let me know if you want an
account, esp. for stuff like porting software across to IA64.

Fun. So now I've played with a PDP-11 running RSX, talking to an Itanium box running VMS. Talk about a leap across computer generations and timelines.


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