[HECnet] Projects...?

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Mon Oct 6 12:48:27 PDT 2008

Sampsa Laine skrev:
Then again, if we find nothing, it could be an amusing project of course, writing a BBS package in PL/I or Cobol or something...

Speaking of which.
Are people doing any fun projects nowadays?

Me, I'm currently playing aorund with three bigger things on RSX, apart from all the small stuff.

o Writing a TCP/IP implementation.
  ARP, IP, ICMP and UDP are done. TCP is halfway, and I'm still fooling around
  with different tricks and ideas on how to do this best. I've also written a
  few clients and servers that talk UDP, just for the fun of it.
  (This is actually my forth implementation, but you learn things at every
    iteration. :-) )

o Writing a CONQUEST lookalike
  CONQUEST is a game under VMS that I remember fondly from the 80s. I recently
  hunted down the VMS implementation, and peeked under the hood, and then
  started implementing it from scratch for RSX. Original is written in RATFOR,
  but I'm doing one in C.
  Universe works, planets and ships move around. Players can talk with each
  other and check out things. Screen handling and so on is done. I'm currently
  at the point where I should start implementing the shooting of each other,
  but it's in a hiatus because of lack of time. :-)

o Setting up a really good web resource for RSX.
  I want to collect all the information and software that I have in a nice,
  organized manner for everyone to access. I have patches for the kernel,
  DECnet, and god knows how many tools. To fix bugs, give enhancements and
  new features. But much of this is probably totally unknown to others,
  but would be very useful for people who still use RSX to have. I have
  started on a prototype, using Drupal, but haven't gotten far yet.
  Once more a problem with time.

And then of course, I have lots of smaller software projects in RSX that work, but which I occasionally bugfix or improve when someone comes with comments, or I'm bored.

So what are other people doing around here? :-)

(And yes, I also have both VAXen and Alphas running VMS at home, but almost all my time, I sit by the PDP-11 anyway.)


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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