[HECnet] HECnet Node Listing

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Thu Apr 2 23:01:22 PDT 2009

Marc Chametzky wrote:
Looking at this list, last updated in August 2008, I notice that my systems, DUSTY and CALHAN appear to have the wrong addresses. They are 2.210 and 2.211, respectively. The NCP database on LEGATO has them correct.
I'd also like to add 2.212 as LULU, a Personal Alpha running OpenVMS V8.3. I haven't yet decided where I'm going to run LULU, either in my VMware Fusion system on occasion, or as part of my "trailing-zone" environment in ESXi.

I've added LULU on MIM now.
I thought I'd take this chance to make two comments.

1. Nodenames in DECnet phase IV are actually local to each machine, so there is no strict requirement that we all have the same view on the name to address mappings. That said, it sure helps if we do, so I try to keep MIM up to date, and others can copy the nodename database from there (in VMS, you just do a "NCP COPY KNOWN NODES FROM MIM TO BOTH", if someone wants to know how you do in RSX, write me a mail. :-) )

2. In addition to the nodename database, I also keep a plaintext file with both nodenames people use, and nodenames people have asked to be reserved. You can find that at MIM::US:[DECNET]NODENAMES.ALL
In the same directory I also have a DECNET.TXT file, which have a list of all areas allocated, and by whom.

(And the file from sparetimesgizmos is not my creation or responsibility, so I can't make any changes in that.)


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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