[HECnet] Multinet Tunnel Links defined

Bob Armstrong bob at jfcl.com
Wed Dec 21 20:04:07 PST 2011

How is IO on the cf card? 

  I haven't attempted to benchmark it, but empirically it works OK.   The
system runs Ubuntu 10.04LTS with a custom kernel (the eBox has some
non-standard hardware that's not supported by the default kernel) and
simh-vax, and that's about all.     I have the VAX emulation throttled to
about 50% of the CPU, so I could run another emulator if I felt like it.   I
wanted to run TOPS-20 on it, but the idle detection in simh-KS10 for TOPS20
doesn't appear to work, so it hogs all the CPU time.

  What I'd like to do with LEGATO is to set up two simulated NI devices in
simh.   One will be my real Ethernet, and the other will be a virtual bridge
to Johnny's world.   There appear to be enough pieces to do that, but I
haven't gotten around to trying it yet.


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