[HECnet] DECnet et al

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sun Jul 17 18:49:05 PDT 2011

On 2011-07-17 19.45, Bob Armstrong wrote:
And so those packets will be tossed.

    Tossed by who?   The bridge program?

No. By the endnode itself. It have no idea where to send it. For ethernet, DECnet supposedly already knows the MAC address where to send every packet. Where would it send a packet that isn't to the local ethernet segment? It needs to send it to a router, which will forward it. But since there is no router, there is nothing it can do with it. DECnet data traffic is not broadcast...

Just as information - from MIM, the area furthest away is are 59, which is three hops distance. So it packets needs to pass through two intermediate level 2 routers to get to the right area.


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