[HECnet] Towards the Mouth of Madness....

Paul Koning paul_koning at dell.com
Tue Jul 12 22:40:02 PDT 2011

On Jul 12, 2011, at 5:31 PM, Jason Stevens wrote:

FEC (fast ether channel) killed any hopes of FDDI, but it was more so people in certain places that bought into the hopes and dreams of FDDI.... 

It was also my understanding you needed licenses to make FDDI gear while Ethernet was/is free.

No.   But the chips were far more expensive and you needed more of them to make a NIC.   While it was in theory possible to make a single chip FDDI NIC, I don't think that was ever produced.   And even if it were, the volumes would be far lower which means the price is far higher.


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