[HECnet] SCA disks...

Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 17:27:15 PDT 2011

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Sampsa Laine <sampsa at mac.com> wrote:
Also, always check whether the drive is full of NHS patient data or possibly one of the police authorities' sex offenders register. Hilarity will ensue.

I think The Sun pays like up to ten grand for tips :)


On 5 Jul 2011, at 17:13, Mark Wickens wrote:

On 05/07/11 17:08, Mark Benson wrote:
On the subject if lacking any decent SCA drives, anyone got any *quiet* 36GB or 72GB SCAs lying around they could part with?

I've kept a watch on eBay for new SCA drives for a while now, and put a low bid in every now and again. I find that drives in specific enclosures for storage arrays, servers, etc. are the best bet and for some reason people don't seem to realise the drive in the enclosure is the same as if bought separate.

I stick to HP or Compaq drives and *always* check the drives are sealed and secured - I've had too many incidents buying 'new' drives that turned out to be far from it.

Good luck!


Don't forget those clowns at "News of the World". They need to do
something specific to keep them from breaking into departed teenaged
female mobiles.

Now on the subject of drives, I need to find 34G type SCSI drives, of
the kind that can be stuffed into an external storage box, and have
big connectors on the end.

Of course figuring out how to safely arrange for the data to be moved
from the older drive to the replacement.... Now there's an idea.
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

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