[HECnet] "Hacking" attempts

Joe Ferraro jferraro at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 12:15:12 PST 2012

Interesting... my "attacks" seem to come from botnets... I'm surprised that this is a deterrent, unless you mostly see single-host attacks... 

Funny nonetheless... 

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:34 PM, <sampsa at mac.com> wrote:
> I usually just ignore that stuff. There is constant probing of my web server on MIM. It's kindof fun to see all kind of stuff they are trying. Also a good reference to see all kind of problems and exploits that exists on Unix and Windows web servers...
> (I *think* my RSX web server is actually pretty safe, but who knows...)
> Trying to retaliate would be an endless battle which I don't care about anyway...

But attacking them back is kinda funny, oh here's one more script in case there's no HTTP:

--- gohydra ---

#p1 = host, p2 = port, p3 = service
hydra -P ~/words -l fuckyou -s $2 $1 $3

--- end gohydra ---

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