[HECnet] VAX compiler kits

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sun Dec 23 17:48:22 PST 2012

On 2012-12-23 17:50, Bob Armstrong wrote:
Speaking of Modula-2, I have an incomplete Modula-2 for RSX. Anyone else
have the missing bits and pieces?

    Don't know what bits you're looking for, but somewhere I have Modula-2 for
VMS.   It's all written in Modula-2, of course.

I suspect the VMS implementation don't help me with the missing bit for the RSX implementation, but thanks anyway.

Check MIM::DU:[MODULA2]README.TXT for the stuff that I've figured out about the compiler, as well as all the other files in that directory.


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