[HECnet] HECnet mapping project

sampsa at mac.com sampsa at mac.com
Tue Dec 25 03:22:50 PST 2012

[Brian, please don't kill me for announcing this too early :P ]


We're working on a network walker that will eventually produce a graph of HECnet.

We're basically doing a NCP SHOW KNOW CIRC, grabbing each area routing node and then recursively walking those.

Well it's a bit more complex than that, but that's the general idea :)

Once this is done, we do a NCP SHOW ADJ NODES to get the nodes in the area of each area router.

This is what we've come up with so far (the ADJ NODES code is under work, so if your node is missing, don't worry - mainly checking all the area routers are there):


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