[HECnet] Problem setting up a DECSERVER 200/MC

sampsa at mac.com sampsa at mac.com
Thu Dec 20 07:33:39 PST 2012

Brief summary: I want to connect   a bunch of console cables to a DS200, and server them out using LAT.

I've started LAT on KUHAVX (same LAN segment) but can't see the port I've defined (with a name GVXCON and ACCESS=REMOTE) on the DS200.

The DS200 port config looks like this at the moment:

---- SNIP ---
Local> show port 2

Port 2:                                                               Server: HILADS

Character Size:                       8                     Input Speed:               9600
Flow Control:                       XON                     Output Speed:             9600
Parity:                                 None                     Modem Control:   Disabled

Access:                             Remote                     Local Switch:             None
Backwards Switch:             None                     Name:                         GVXCON
Break:                           Disabled                     Session Limit:                 4
Forwards Switch:               None                     Type:                             Soft

Preferred Service: None

Authorized Groups:     0
(Current)   Groups:     0

Enabled Characteristics:

Autoprompt,   Broadcast,   DSRlogout,   Inactivity Logout,
Input Flow Control,   Loss Notification,   Message Codes,
Output Flow Control,   Verification
---- SNIP ---

However on KUHAVX LATCP SHOW SERVICES shows this:

--- SNIP ---

LATCP> show services
LAT Control Program                                                                                                                                                                       
Service Name	  Status             Identification
----------------   -----------   -------------------------------------------------

--- SNIP ---

What am I doing wrong? What commands do I need to type into the DS200 to make it serve out the ports over LAT?


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