[HECnet] KLH10 on Raspberri Pi / Nodelist update

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Tue Dec 4 23:52:44 PST 2012

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
Barcelona - Catalunya - Europa

El 04/12/2012, a les 22:55, "Boyanich, Alastair" <Alastair.Boyanich at au.fujitsu.com> va escriure:
I've not messed around with TOPS-10/20 and only VMS on simh, but there
you need specify which O/S is running inside the VM and specify it with
something like:

set cpu idle=VMS   

Well, KLH10 os a different beast. You have to patch the guest OS to do a write to an " idler" device so the simulator knows the guest is not doing anything and it can enter a wait state until next timer tick or interrups happens. This patch is included in the Panda monitor and it works as expected...

... Unless you happen to be using a "high performance" host system (he, and the Pi seems to fit that class lol...). Then you have to build the simulator to use a synchronous implementation for the timers and device interrupts (see  https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!msg/alt.sys.pdp10/vHcQ49tjMag/gDOIF2fQ3cgJ) and the idler simply does not work at all. Unfortunately it seem there is no fix for this problem (see  https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?hl=en&fromgroups#!msg/alt.sys.pdp10/xndbqJ6Qmwg/vAhSG4-ldwYJ) so I will have to liv

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