[HECnet] TOPS-20 DECnet

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Mon Oct 29 13:23:38 PDT 2012

El 29/10/2012, a les 21:21, Marc Chametzky <marc at bluevine.net> va escriure:

1) Preconfigure the Ethernet interface with the right MAC address with ifconfig xxx ether aa:00:04:00:xx:xx
Happen to know what MAC i'd want for 33.254? I'm bad with figuring hexadecimal stuff and i've not quite figured out the order for DECnet mac addresses yet.

If my math is correct, it'd be aa:00:04:00:fe:84.

If you are so lazy as am I:


On the other hand, the current linux dnet-tools contains a setether command which does the math for you.

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name

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