[HECnet] DECUS RSX C compiler

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Sun Oct 28 07:18:12 PDT 2012

El 25/10/2012, a les 22:21, Jordi Guillaumes i Pons <jg at jordi.guillaumes.name> va escriure:

Here is an excellent opportunity to debug something. You have the sources, you have listings and maps, and you have the failing address, along with the actual problem. Should be pretty easy to figure out. :-)

Lol, yes, it is. I'll give it a try :) I can guess the program is trying to access a word using R3 as indirect register :) R3 is the only one with an odd content! :)

Well, its sorta fixed... The compiler works OK if I DO NOT build the task agains FCSRES. It works if I answer "N" to both FCSRES and FCSFSL. So I've changed a compiler problem for a system configuration problem... :)

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name

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