[HECnet] Questions about the E11 version 0.9 release

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Wed Apr 24 21:45:36 PDT 2013

El 24/04/2013, a les 21:38, Clem Cole <clemc at ccc.com> va escriure:
That said, the RPi should be able to support it without anything other than the leds and switches added to the AdaFruit breakout board, I have.   

Not enough GPIO pins... You will need to multiplex the pins. I several 74HC595 to drive the LEDs, and I'm experimenting with 74HC165 to drive banks of DIP switches as input (although that project is quite freezing now).   I posted some details in my blog (Blinkenlights: Not so difficult as I thought), with links to the code I have written for the 4.0 version of simh, and a java app with virtual LEDs also. My version, by the way, runs in an Arduino, but I also wrote a small "client" for the Pi. I just switched to the Arduino because I have heard horror stories about dead Raspis after stupid cabling mistakes messing with the GPIO pins...

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name

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