[HECnet] Semi-OT: HECnet gateway to Hercules instance

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Fri Apr 19 01:52:06 PDT 2013

Evening all,

I've accomplished a little project I've been working on for the past day or so on-and-off and it seems to be working now.

I've got the MUSIC/SP demo going and I've configured MAE (which is also going to be the HECnet<--->UUHECnet relay) to act as a "relay" to this instance.

To access it simply:

2). Log in as MUSICSP (no password)
This will automatically connect you to the Hercules instance.   The credentials are hecnet with a password of hecnet1.   This SHOULD allow multiple users to connect at once...I've not tested this so let me know. Feel free to request an account.

Feel free to play around and send suggestions for improving the "relay"/issue reports my way.

Try sending an email to $000.

I might bring up a little windows box a bit later to run Sim390 so I can give TCP/IP to this...that would make the relay much more usable.   I could also route email to/from HECnet/UUHECnet then.

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net/ Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Experiments

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